Remote service usage

As part of providing it’s user with the information they need, ElectrumSV has to make use of remote servers. The following types of server provide different functionality that use is made of.

Server types

ElectrumSV reference server

These are standard APIs that ElectrumSV expects to be able to use if it is to provide the user with updated wallet state and to react to external events. A reference implementation is provided by the ElectrumSV developers, although it does not provide the more advanced APIs that are related to processing new and old blocks.

Headers API

As an SPV client, ElectrumSV needs up-to-date headers from the blockchain. This API is used to both sychronise existing headers and get notified of new headers as the server makes them available.

The ideal way of obtaining headers is by having an application access the P2P network. However, ElectrumSV cannot guarantee that it has unrestricted access to the network. For this reason we do not use the P2P network, but instead rely on this external REST API. It is possible that in the longer term we will also support direct P2P network access for this, and fallback to the service API if it not usable.

Peer channel API

In the same way that ElectrumSV cannot rely on accessing the P2P network to get headers due to restrictive networking environments, it also cannot and should not rely on being able to connect directly to another person’s ElectrumSV application. This is due to restrictive networking environments, privacy and security related concerns and the impracticality of expecting ElectrumSV to be online 24/7. The peer channel API acts as a relaying service, a message box and a privacy aid.

Output spends API (forwarded)


The ElectrumSV project has neither the manpower or the interest in providing a non-regtest open source implementation of this API. Commercial services can if they choose, offer it, as an optional enabled API provided by their servers.

It is useful to be able to ask whether a UTXO is spent. If it is spent then we need a way to find out what transaction it was spent in and what block it was mined in, if not in the mempool. We need to both query the state of outputs, and to register for notifications if there are any changes.

ElectrumSV uses this API to accomplish the following:

  • Identify if a transaction is in the mempool.

  • Identify if a transaction is mined in a block.

  • Identify if a transaction has been malleated.

  • Get notified if a transaction gets broadcast.

  • Get notified if a transaction gets mined.

  • Get notified if a transaction gets malleated.

As we rely on output spends for events related to transactions we did not broadcast ourselves, we just use output spends consistently for the transactions we do as well. We do not use the merchant API for MAPI callbacks.

Restoration API (forwarded)


The ElectrumSV project has neither the manpower or the interest in providing a non-regtest open source implementation of this API. Commercial services can if they choose, offer it, as an optional enabled API provided by their servers.

In the past there was an expectation that seed words could be used to locate all transactions ever associated with a wallet, and that this could be used as both a form of backup and a way to keep a wallet synchronised. As the blockchain becomes larger and larger, there is no-one planning to support this, and if they did it would likely become more and more expensive as the blockchain continue to grow.

The highest priority of the ElectrumSV project is to allow users to retain access to coins where they have been able to access them in the past. One aspect of this is seed-based wallet restoration and we continue to support this by allowing access to blockchain state and indexes that only go up to a fixed height. Past this height, it is expected that users will have to take responsibility for their own wallet data.

The restoration API is effectively a search engine over this limited earlier part of the blockchain, that our users can use to do a limited restore of their seed words.

Transaction API (forwarded)


The ElectrumSV project has neither the manpower or the interest in providing a non-regtest open source implementation of this API. Commercial services can if they choose, offer it, as an optional enabled API provided by their servers.

As the blockchain grows larger and larger, storage and access to arbitrary transaction data becomes a specialised service that will likely require charging for access to data. The transaction API is provided for requesting arbitrary transactions.

Merkle proof API (forwarded)


The ElectrumSV project has neither the manpower or the interest in providing a non-regtest open source implementation of this API. Commercial services can if they choose, offer it, as an optional enabled API provided by their servers.

While we currently broadcast all transactions through a merchant API server, and a callback from that server can notify if the transaction is mined and provide the merkle proof. Not all transactions related to an ElectrumSV user’s wallet are broadcast by that user through MAPI. Other parties may broadcast the transaction, and this may not be desirable, expected or have any channel through which the ElectrumSV user can hear about the merkle proofs availability.

It is necessary to have the ability to request arbitrary merkle proofs, and the merkle proof API is used for this purpose. We use it for both the broadcaster who uses MAPI and for the party who has received an event notifying a transaction of interest was included in a block.

Merchant API

The purpose of the merchant API is so that miners can offer a way to both broadcast a transaction and know the fee that must be used in any transaction in order for it to be accepted for broadcast.

Simple indexer API (regtest only)

In order to both develop and test ElectrumSV on the regtest network, we need a simple implementation of the following APIs:

  • Merkle proof API.

  • Restoration API.

  • Transaction API.

  • Spent output API.

The simple indexer is a very limited implementation of these APIs that can run against the regtest network. It will never run on any network other than regtest. The amount of work required to make it performant is something a commercial business would have to do, and a commercial business would be required to run and keep that production service going into the future.

Relevant wallet events

There are a small number of wallet events that make use of these remote services.

Loading a wallet

Spent outputs:

  • We monitor local transactions that we may not expect to be broadcast. These have the transaction state values of STATE_SIGNED, STATE_RECEIVED or STATE_DISPATCHED.

  • We monitor transactions that we know have been broadcast but we do not know if they are mined. These have the transaction state value of STATE_CLEARED with no associated block.

Merkle proofs:

  • If we have transactions that have been broadcast and mined, but which we have not obtained the merkle proof for, we pass them in a worker task that will take care of this. These will likely be transactions we received spent output state for, which we have not had the chance to process yet. These have the transaction state value of STATE_CLEARED with an associated block.

  • If we have transactions from before ElectrumSV 1.4.0 they may not have a TSC standardised merkle proof. We pass these to a worker task to take care of obtaining them. These have the transaction state value of STATE_SETTLED with no associated block. Wallets that were created in ElectrumSV and not earlier versions of the Electrum wallet will most likely have non-TSC proofs which will get converted to the TSC form as part of the wallet file upgrade.

Account restoration


  • The restoration process attempts to enumerate known key usage within different script types and locate them in the remote restoration index. It gets metadata about the transactions that use these keys back.

Merkle proof:

  • Transactions are fetched through the merkle proof API, taking advantage of the TSC standard providing the ability for transaction data to be wrapped in the merkle proof.

New payment

There are two steps, signing a transaction and broadcasting it. The user can construct a transaction and sign it, then it gets added to their account history. In this case, we want to treat it as a local transaction and monitor it using the spent output API. If it gets signed and then broadcast, we would also monitor it using the spent output API.

Spent outputs:

  • We monitor the transaction for a nominal period of time after it is signed. If it is not broadcast we hand it off to the spent output notifications worker task to monitor.

Header sourcing

In order to obtain the latest headers, ElectrumSV connects to several servers offering header APIs. The goal should be to have reliable access to header sources, and to be able to identify servers that do not run reliably.


  • A web socket is opened to a minimum number of header servers on behalf of the whole application, not any given wallet. The server notifies ElectrumSV of their chain state, and then publishes notifications of new headers. ElectrumSV is expected to reconcile and obtain a copy of the server’s main chain and factor it into whether it should be our main chain.

Arbitrary logic should never fetch headers, the tasks that track headers on different servers should be the sole method through which headers are fetched. As new chain tips are obtained, other logic that may be waiting on them, should be notified.

MAPI broadcast

These are the various ways that wallet transactions might be broadcast:

  • Existing transactions in the account history list. The user will likely either use the context menu option, or view their transaction dialog and click on the Broadcast button. These will have one of the transaction state values of STATE_RECEIVED, STATE_DISPATCHED or STATE_SIGNED.

  • The payment the user has just entered and opted to send. This can be done in two slight variations. The first is that the user just sends or broadcasts the transaction and they have to perform the signing approval as part of this. The second is that they explicitly sign the transaction and then broadcast it. This adds a period of uncertainty between when the transaction is added to the database in transaction state of STATE_SIGNED and when it is successfully broadcast via MAPI and is changed to the state STATE_CLEARED.

  • Background petty cash payments by the wallet that the user might not even know are happening and will not be involved in approving. These may not even be broadcast via MAPI, and the service being paid might take care of the broadcast and merkle proof delivery.

Reliable server usage

The core requirement of ElectrumSV relying on servers for remote state is that we do our best to handle all the reasonable problems in a way where the user is either unaware or presented with minimal complication because of them. Unreasonable problems however, we do not need to be so concerned about. We can try and take measures to prevent the user shooting themselves in the foot but if they do things that are unsafe they may have to pay a third party service to recover their wallet data.

The general approach

There are four possible stages in using a service:

  1. Poll for the state of any existing service usage and verify that the state on the service matches the state the wallet has.

  2. Establish a web socket connection.

  3. Register any per-connection service usage related to that web socket connection.

  4. Make on-going requests.

Whether there is a successfully connected web socket or no web socket we will make ongoing requests:

  • Requesting data or current state.

  • Request short-term notifications for events for the life of the current connection.

  • Requesting long-term notifications for events delivered via peer channels.

Handling problems establishing a connection

There are three potential problems that could be encountered when polling for state on the service or establishing a web socket connection:

  1. Inability to establish a connection.

  2. Unexpected result when accessing an API endpoint.

  3. The received state does not match the state the wallet has.

The first failure case when establishing a connection should cancel the whole process and any other concurrently made API calls, and display a “server connection problems” UI to the user. It is not required that the user already has a modal dialog showing connection progress but if they do the problems should be incorporated into that existing UI. If they do not, then a UI should be shown for that purpose.

The second failure case should render the server unusable. The server should be flagged as broken, and the user should be informed of the problem and given options to deal with it.

The third failure case should attempt to reconcile the state. It might be that this is expected because the user has not used the service for a long time, and any prepayment they made to engage long term services like tip filter registrations and peer channels has lapsed. The user would need to go to the payer and obtain the transaction they were watching for, pay extra for any merkle proofs and so on. However it might also be because the user has been operating the server with multiple copies of the wallet which will inevitably confuse one or more of those copies. This will be covered elsewhere.

Handling problems making API requests

An API endpoint should be expected to just work. There are two potential problems:

  1. Inability to establish a connection.

  2. Unexpected result when accessing an API endpoint.

These can be handled the same as suggested in the establishing a connection section. It may be that the API usage is not done with a specific server, and that it is possible for ElectrumSV to just handle it without bothering the user by switching to another server behind the scenes. If the API usage is with a specific server, then this is problematic and will involve notifying the user and having them explicitly make a choice.

Special case HTTP response status codes

When a request to an API endpoint receives one of these status codes, it is not an unexpected result. It is also not ideal and we should have some standard way of handling them.


Use of the given API endpoint requires authentication and the client has not provided that authentication. This response should only be encountered if for some reason the current authentication token is no longer valid and it needs to be renewed.


Use of the given API endpoint requires payment and there is insufficient funding remaining to cover the requested server activity. ElectrumSV should automatically fund the channel from the relevant petty cash account, limiting server usage until this is done. It may require user notification or intervention. The implementation should be expected to try and predict this ahead of time and prevent the user doing actions that may be problematic if there is insufficient funding to complete them.


If a server implements a free quota it should return this response when the quota is used up. Ideally ElectrumSV will have some idea of how large the quota is, what it permits and how close it is to being used up. It can then inform the user if desired actions are not possible because the quota is spent.

Indexer services

Most of the indexer services are stateless, and there are not many things that need to be checked for consistency as part of the connection process.

Consistency actions:

  • List the tip filter registrations.

Tip filter registrations

Possible problems:

  • A tip filter no longer exists due to lack of funding.

  • A tip filter no longer exists with no identifiable reason.

Lack of funding

This should not happen as the initial use of this service will be for a specific purpose with a known time limit. The user will be creating a receving address or script to give out to the payer, and wanting to know when a transaction featuring that payment destination is broadcast. ElectrumSV can prepay for that period guaranteeing that any reliable service will monitor for the transaction for the expected amount of time. It can also default to a time period that reflects the longest any reliable payer should have broadcast by and warn the user if they choose a shorter time of the risks.

In the event that the payer does not send in a timely fashion and the payment is not detected this is problematic in theory, but not in practice. In theory ElectrumSV then needs to pay for a costly scan of the blocks that have been mined since they gave out the payment destination. In practice existing businesses that pay this way already show the transaction id in the user’s account and the user can use that to cheaply manually instruct ElectrumSV to obtain the transaction.

ElectrumSV should likely do the following:

  • Ensure a tip filter is put in place (unless the user has opted not to).

  • If a tip filter is put in place ensure the user accepts the expiry time as the latest time the payment transaction will be detected.

  • If a payment can be made with no tip filter or after that expiry time that they know whether they can obtain the transaction id directly from the payer.

No identifiable reason

A tip filter no longer being present when it should be would likely only be possible because of a server error or the ElectrumSV user doing things they shouldn’t. The user who causes this problem will likely have done something like open two copies of the wallet or an outdated copy of the wallet.

A peer channel no longer being present could be because of a server error. Any service where this happens likely has more widespread problems and will gain a reputation of being unreliable. If it is a reliable service it has a vested interest in scanning recent blocks and detecting missed filter matches, in order to make it right. And it should likely do this proactively as soon as it detects the problem.

An ElectrumSV user may be able to do things that the wallet does not support, which could result in this happening. A possible example is where they open a backup of the wallet file and it has no way of recovering what was missing or even knowing what was missing, and corrupts service usage of the up-to-date version of the wallet. ElectrumSV should do everything it can to detect and disallow this from happening, but it might be that the user chooses to proceed anyway or they find a new way to cause this problem.

Peer channel hosting

Peer channels are a stateful service. The user needs the channels they have created to be alive long enough for the channel to receive any incoming message and for ElectrumSV to identify the presence of that message and fetch it.

Consistency actions:

  • List the peer channels on the server.

Peer channel existence

Possible problems:

  • A channel no longer exists due to lack of funding.

  • A channel no longer exists with no identifiable reason.

Lack of funding

This should not happen unless the user does not open their wallet for a prolonged period of time. If the channel hosting service is professional, then the user should also be able to register for out of band notifications perhaps to their email address in event of low funding.

ElectrumSV should clearly illustrate to the user that there are time limits to when they need to revisit their service usage and top up payments.

No identifiable reason

A peer channel no longer being present when it should be is a server error. The server cannot recover messages it never received nor should it receive messages it thinks it does not expect.

An ElectrumSV user may be able to do things that the wallet does not support, which could result in this happening. A possible example is where they open a backup of the wallet file and it has no way of recovering what was missing or even knowing what was missing, and corrupts service usage of the up-to-date version of the wallet. ElectrumSV should do everything it can to detect and disallow this from happening, but it might be that the user chooses to proceed anyway or they find a new way to cause this problem.