The Node wallet API

The Bitcoin SV node bitcoind has provided a JSON-RPC based wallet API. However running a node just to operate a wallet is becoming prohibitive as blocks and the blockchain get larger and larger on Bitcoin SV.

ElectrumSV aims to provide a replacement option to running the node. This is a special mode where ElectrumSV is run as a wallet server without a GUI, that has to be explicitly activated with the required command-line options. Where possible we aim to try and present the same API, errors and experience that the node API does. This replacement option is the only JSON-RPC API that ElectrumSV provides.


Before integrating this into your stack, check the documentation for each endpoint you plan to use for any incompatibilities or outstanding issues between the ElectrumSV RPC API and the Node RPC API. As much as possible, the APIs are equivalent but there are some unavoidable differences. A prime example is the account parameter, which does not map well onto ElectrumSV so is expected to be omitted or set to null for all RPC requests.

Command-line options

Outside of --enable-node-wallet-api, these command-line options are provided to match those provided by bitcoind. They are not used for any other purpose outside of configuring the node wallet API server.


This command-line argument must be specified to direct ElectrumSV to run a server providing the JSON-RPC wallet API.

In the following example, the operator provides this command-line argument and the JSON-RPC wallet API can be seen to be available by the logged entry.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcuser=bob -rpcpassword=weakpassword
2022-11-07 12:28:54,983:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 12:28:54,983:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcuser=bob -rpcpassword=weakpassword
2022-11-07 12:28:54,983:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 12:28:54,983:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on

In the following example, the operator does not provide this command-line argument and the JSON-RPC wallet API can be seen as not available by the absence of the logged entry.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv
2022-11-07 10:03:24,380:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
electrumsv>py electrum-sv
2022-11-07 10:03:24,380:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on


This is the basic authorization user name. It is required for the server to run, except when credentials are disabled by an empty rpcpassword value.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcuser=bob -rpcpassword=weakpassword
2022-11-07 12:28:54,983:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 12:28:54,983:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcuser=bob -rpcpassword=weakpassword
2022-11-07 12:28:54,983:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 12:28:54,983:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on

A value for this argument must be provided for the server to run, given that credentials have not been disabled with a blank password. An error will be logged indicating why the server is not running, if the operator does not provide this argument.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword=weakpassword
2022-11-07 12:43:29,313:ERROR:daemon:JSON-RPC wallet API server not running: invalid user name or password
2022-11-07 12:43:29,313:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword=weakpassword
2022-11-07 12:43:29,313:ERROR:daemon:JSON-RPC wallet API server not running: invalid user name or password
2022-11-07 12:43:29,313:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on


This is the basic authorization password. Passing an empty password whether as -rpcpassword= or -rpcpassword “” will disable authorization and allow anyone who can access the host it is running on to freely make any API calls.

Providing a blank password disables credential checking and will log a warning.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword=
2022-11-07 10:03:24,375:WARNING:daemon:No password set for JSON-RPC wallet API. No credentials required for access.
2022-11-07 10:03:24,380:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 10:03:24,381:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon  --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword=
2022-11-07 10:03:24,375:WARNING:daemon:No password set for JSON-RPC wallet API. No credentials required for access.
2022-11-07 10:03:24,380:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 10:03:24,381:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on

A value for this argument must be provided for the server to run. An error will be logged indicating why the server is not running, if the operator does not provide this argument.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcuser=bob
2022-11-07 12:43:29,313:ERROR:daemon:JSON-RPC wallet API server not running: invalid user name or password
2022-11-07 12:43:29,313:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcuser=bob
2022-11-07 12:43:29,313:ERROR:daemon:JSON-RPC wallet API server not running: invalid user name or password
2022-11-07 12:43:29,313:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on


The server will default to using port 8332 to serve the API. Using this command-line argument the operator can direct the JSON-RPC API to be served on a different port.

Specifying a custom port of 18332 will result in the server using that port instead.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword= -rpcport=18332
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:WARNING:daemon:No password set for JSON-RPC wallet API. No credentials required for access.
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword= -rpcport=18332
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:WARNING:daemon:No password set for JSON-RPC wallet API. No credentials required for access.
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on


The way that external notifications are provided about changes in wallet state by bitcoind is by providing a value to the walletnotify command-line argument. ElectrumSV also accepts this command-line argument in order to aid in a clean switch. The provided value should be the full command to execute and the %s placeholder will be replaced with the id of the transaction for which there has been a state change.

Supported events:

  • A transaction is added to the wallet.

  • An external transaction is added to the wallet.

  • The wallet broadcasts a transaction.

  • The wallet is notified that a transaction has been broadcast.

  • A transaction is associated with a block on the favoured tip (mined).

  • A transaction is disassociated with a block on the favoured tip (reorged).

Here we specify the contrib/scripts/ sample script provided with ElectrumSV for debugging. It logs all events to a tx.log file in the same directory as the script as a testing aid.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword= -walletnotify="python3 contrib/scripts/ %s"
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:WARNING:daemon:No password set for JSON-RPC wallet API. No credentials required for access.
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword= -walletnotify="py contrib\scripts\ %s"
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:WARNING:daemon:No password set for JSON-RPC wallet API. No credentials required for access.
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 12:49:22,204:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on


Once you are satisfied the ElectrumSV daemon is running correctly, there are several tasks that need to be performed to get a working wallet and to be able to make use of the JSON-RPC API to do things like solicit payments for it.

  1. Create a compatible wallet.

  2. Start the ElectrumSV daemon.

  3. Load the wallet you created.

  4. Link that wallet to a blockchain server.

Wallet creation

In order to create a wallet that is compatible with the node wallet API, a special command create_jsonrpc_wallet has to be used. The file name to be used should be provided with the -w option and the wallet will be created in the “wallets” folder in the ElectrumSV data directory.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv create_jsonrpc_wallet -w my_new_wallet
Wallet saved in '/home/bob/.electrum-sv/wallets/my_new_wallet.sqlite'
NOTE: This wallet is ready for use with the node wallet API.
electrumsv>py electrum-sv create_jsonrpc_wallet -w my_new_wallet
Wallet saved in 'C:\Users\bob\AppData\Roaming\ElectrumSV\regtest\wallets\my_new_wallet.sqlite'
NOTE: This wallet is ready for use with the node wallet API.


Wallets can only be used with the node wallet API if there is one and only one account in the wallet. Existing ElectrumSV wallets that have no accounts or more than one account will not be usable with the node wallet API.

Blockchain server access

The advantage the wallet integrated into the Bitcoin node has is that it listens to and processes all blocks, and knows what in them relates to the wallet. This is however why it is now problematic to run, because the resource requirements to receive and process all those blocks is prohibitive.

In order to detect incoming payments the ElectrumSV JSON-RPC wallet needs to replace that prohibitive block processing with something much much lighter weight. This is done by registering the addresses those payments will come in on with a remote blockchain server. That blockchain server also notifies us when transactions are broadcast and other events of interest that were discerned directly from block data by the node wallet.

The wallet you created with the create_jsonrpc_wallet command needs to set up an account on the blockchain server Bitcoin Association provides. This is what is described below.

The first step is to start the wallet server.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword=
2022-11-07 10:03:24,375:WARNING:daemon:No password set for JSON-RPC wallet API. No credentials required for access.
2022-11-07 10:03:24,380:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 10:03:24,381:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon  --enable-node-wallet-api -rpcpassword=
2022-11-07 10:03:24,375:WARNING:daemon:No password set for JSON-RPC wallet API. No credentials required for access.
2022-11-07 10:03:24,380:INFO:rest-server:REST API started on
2022-11-07 10:03:24,381:INFO:nodeapi-server:JSON-RPC wallet API started on

Next open another console/terminal and load your wallet with the daemon subcommand load_wallet. This asks the wallet server to load that wallet. If there is an error, it will display in place of the true that is otherwise returned.

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon load_wallet -w my_new_wallet
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon  load_wallet -w my_new_wallet

The final step is to setup the wallet’s account with the blockchain server. This requires network access by the wallet server and the service_signup daemon subcommand is used for this. You need to specify the wallet you are signing up.

A successful signup will result in the following output:

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon service_signup -w my_new_wallet
For services:
    Message box.
With server:
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon service_signup -w my_new_wallet
For services:
    Message box.
With server:

If the wallet is already signed up for the services, the output will indicate this:

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon service_signup -w my_new_wallet
All services appear to be signed up for.
electrumsv>py electrum-sv daemon service_signup -w my_new_wallet
All services appear to be signed up for.

It is also possible to use the status daemon subcommand to verify what servers you are connected to and which services they are handling. This can be seen in the wallets section under the servers key:

Linux / MacOS
$ ./electrum-sv daemon status
    "blockchain_height": 116,
    "fee_per_kb": 500,
    "network": "online",
    "path": "/home/bob/.electrum-sv",
    "version": "1.4.0",
    "wallets": {
        "/home/bob/.electrum-sv/wallets/my_new_wallet.sqlite": {
            "servers": {
                "": [
electrumsv>py -3.10 electrum-sv daemon status
    "blockchain_height": 116,
    "fee_per_kb": 500,
    "network": "online",
    "path": "c:\\Users\\bob\\AppData\\Roaming\\ElectrumSV",
    "version": "1.4.0",
    "wallets": {
        "c:\\Users\\bob\\AppData\\Roaming\\ElectrumSV\\wallets\\my_new_wallet.sqlite": {
            "servers": {
                "": [

API usage


Requests made on the JSON-RPC API are required to provide basic authorization credentials.

  • If rpcuser is provided and rpcpassword is not, the server will not run.

  • If rpcpassword is provided with an empty value, the server will run and will not check credentials.

  • If both rpcuser and rpcpassword are provided, the server will run and expect those values to authorize access.

Curl can be used to make manual or scripted API calls, and will take care of encoding the basic authorization user name and password for the request.

In the following example the arguments were -rpcuser bob and -rpcpassword weakpassword. This enforced basic authorization credential checking for that user name and password combination.

curl --user bob:weakpassword --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getnewaddress", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

In the following example the arguments were just -rpcpassword "". This disabled the checking of credentials for API access.

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getnewaddress", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Base errors

These errors are high level ones that happen outside of the handling of any call. They are modelled on and should be identical to those returned by the node JSON-RPC implementation. Developers should be able to come here when they encounter an error that is obviously not specific to the call they are making and match the status code to a possible reason they are getting it.

  • 400 (Bad request).

    • If a call entry from a single or batch request is not an object. The response body is:

          id: null,
          result: null,
          error: {
              code: -32600, // RPC_INVALID_REQUEST
              message: "Invalid Request object"
    • If the id field is not a string, numeric or null. The response body is:

          id: null,
          result: null,
          error: {
              code: -32600, // RPC_INVALID_REQUEST
              message: "Id must be int, string or null"


      The node itself places no constraints on what the id value can be. This is a custom ElectrumSV constraint. We can relax it if we need to.

    • If the method field is not present. The response body is:

          result: null,
          error: {
              code: -32600, // RPC_INVALID_REQUEST
              message: "Missing method"
    • If the method field value is not a string. The response body is:

          result: null,
          error: {
              code: -32600, // RPC_INVALID_REQUEST
              message: "Method must be a string"
    • If the params field value is not an object or an array. The response body is:

          result: null,
          error: {
              code: -32600, // RPC_INVALID_REQUEST
              message: "Params must be an array or object"
  • 401 (Unauthorized).

    • If the Authorization header is required but not present.

    • If the authorization type is not Basic.

    • If the authorization value cannot be converted into a valid username and password.

  • 404 (Not found).

    • If the method field value is not a recognized method name. The response body is:

          result: null,
          error: {
              code: -32601, // RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND
              message: "Method not found"
  • 500 (Internal server error).

    • If the JSON in the body cannot be deserialized correctly. The response body is:

          id: null,
          result: null,
          error: {
              code: -32700, // RPC_PARSE_ERROR
              message: "Parse error"
    • If the deserialized body is not an object (a single call) or an array (a batch call). The response body is:

          id: null,
          result: null,
          error: {
              code: -32700, // RPC_PARSE_ERROR
              message: "Top-level object parse error"
    • If the /wallet/<wallet-name> path form is used and no wallet with the name <wallet-name> exists. The response body is:

          result: null,
          error: {
              code: -18, // RPC_WALLET_NOT_FOUND
              message: "Requested wallet does not exist or is not loaded"

Supported endpoints


Act as a library of functionality and piece together an incomplete (not fully signed and final) transaction using the provided list of inputs, an object containing outputs and optionally lock time. The transaction created here is not persisted by the wallet in any way.


  1. inputs (array of input objects, required). Each item in the array is an object containing fields relating to the given input. The structure of an input object is described below.

  2. outputs (object of outputs, required). The amount in BSV to send (e.g. 0.1).

  3. locktime (numeric, optional). The transaction locktime value to use.

Each object in the inputs array has the following structure:

  • txid (string, required). The canonically hexadecimal encoded transaction hash of the transaction being spent.

  • vout (numeric, required). The index of the output in the given transaction being spent.

  • sequence (numeric, optional, default varies). The sequence value to be specified in the input. This can of course be used to differentiate between final and non-final inputs. If the transaction locktime value is non-zero, it will default to 0xFFFFFFFE (last possible non-final value) otherwise it default to 0xFFFFFFFF (final).

Example input object.
    "txid": "0df80206d8c30046d1fbf0f19959b81cef72a9d01fe4fe831520cfee361d2a8a",
    "vout": 0

The outputs object has the following structure:

  • "<address>" (string, required). The address to send an amount to. - <amount> (numeric). The amount to send to the address.

  • "data" (literal string, optional). One optional “op return” data output.

    • <hexadecimally encoded data> (string). The bytes of data to put in the OP_FALSE OP_RETURN 0-value data output.

Example outputs object.
    "mneqqWSAQCg6tTP4BUdnPDBRanFqaaryMM": 200,
    "mineSVDRCrSg2gzBRsY4Swb5QHFgdnGkis": 500,
    "data": "6e6f77206973207468652074696d65"


The hexadecimally encoded serialised transaction bytes. scriptSig values in serialised inputs will be empty, represented by 0 which is a zero-length push.

For example, we can force outputs that are considered to be unsafe to be returned:

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "createrawtransaction", "params": [[{ "txid": "f6a5a25e297a40aafec9ad948efda26597945adf93a4b726ad32a656d73743df", "vout": 1 }], { "mneqqWSAQCg6tTP4BUdnPDBRanFqaaryMM": 0.5 }] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Returns a result similar to the following:


Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Expected array, got <other type>
      The inputs argument is not the array type.
      Expected object, got <other type>
      The outputs argument is not the object type.
      Expected number, got <other type>
      The outputs argument is not the numeric type.
      Amount is not a number or string
      An output object value is not a number or string.
      Invalid amount
      An output object value is a string that cannot be parsed as a value.
      Amount out of range
      An output object amount is an invalid amount of satoshis.
    • Code


      Invalid Bitcoin address: <address>
      The provided address parameter is not a valid P2PKH address.
    • Code


      Invalid parameter, arguments 1 and 2 must be non-null
      One or both of inputs or outputs parameter were null.
      Invalid parameter, locktime out of range
      The value of locktime was not equal to or between 0 and 0xFFFFFFFF.
      txid must be hexadecimal string (not '<whatever it is>') and length of it must be divisible by 2
      A txid field in an entry in the inputs parameter, was either missing, null or not an string that was a valid hexadecimal data.
      Invalid parameter, missing vout key
      A vout field in an entry in the inputs parameter, was either missing, null or not an integer.
      Invalid parameter, vout must be positive
      A vout field in an entry in the inputs parameter, was an integer but was negative which is invalid.
      Invalid parameter, sequence number is out of range
      A sequence field in an entry in the inputs parameter, was an integer but was outside of the valid range of values. It cannot be less than 0 or greater than 0xFFFFFFFF.
      Invalid parameter, duplicated address: <address>
      An entry in the addresses parameter was specified twice. The node wallet errors on this, so do we.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not an object as expected
      The type of an entry in the inputs parameter was not an object.


Get the balance of the default account in the loaded wallet.


  1. account (string, optional). Not supported. Use null placeholder if necessary.

  2. minconf (integer, optional, default=1). Limit the results to the UTXOs with this number or more confirmations.

  3. include_watchonly (bool, optional, default=false). Not supported. Use null placeholder if necessary.


A numeric value representing how many unspent Bitcoin there are in the wallet.

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getbalance", "params": {} }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Returns a result similar to the following:



  1. Parameter The account parameter is ignored as the node wallet API only operates on one account. If the user has interfered with the wallet and created more accounts, the API call will error. Specifying a non-null value will raise an error.

  2. Parameter: The include_watchonly parameter is ignored as the node wallet API does not support watch-only accounts at this time. Specifying a non-null value will raise an error.

  3. Error: The RPC_PARSE_ERROR for account is customised and reflects that we do not accept non-null values.

  4. Error: The RPC_PARSE_ERROR for include_watchonly is customised and reflects that we do not accept non-null values.

Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Ambiguous account (found <count>, expected 1)
      A wallet used by the JSON-RPC API must only have one account so that the API code knows which to make use of. The given wallet has either no accounts or more than one account (the current number indicated by “<count>”).
    • Code


      Invalid parameter, unexpected utxo type: <number>
      An unspent output was encountered that does not have a supported key type for the JSON-RPC API. This would be if the user is accessing an externally created account with this API.
    • Code


      Invalid parameters, see documentation for this call
      Either too few or too many parameters were provided.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not a null as expected
      This is an intentional incompatibility as we do not support this parameter.
      JSON value is not an integer as expected
      The type of the minconf parameters are expected to be integers and one or more were interpreted as another type.
      JSON value is not a null as expected
      This is an intentional incompatibility as we do not support this parameter.


Reserve the next unused receiving address (otherwise known as external key) and return it as a P2PKH address.

Unlike the node wallet, this application does not receive and process all blocks. As such for an address to be reserved and returned, a remote blockchain service needs to be successfully provisioned to monitor this address for a set period of time.




The base58 encoded address for the reserved key (string).

Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      No connected blockchain server
      No address can be provided until the wallet has signed up with a server and it is currently connected to that server.
    • Code


      Blockchain server address monitoring request not successful
      It was not possible to get a successful acknowledgement from the blockchain server that it would monitor the address. It might be that the server has lost connection or it might be that some unexpected error occurred provisioning the monitoring of the address from the server. See the logs.
    • Code


      Ambiguous account (found <count>, expected 1)
      A wallet used by the JSON-RPC API must only have one account so that the API code knows which to make use of. The given wallet has either no accounts or more than one account (the current number indicated by the count).
    • Code


      <other error messages>
      An error occurred attempting to register the address with the blockchain server to be monitored for incoming payments. The error message provides some indication of what happened, but the wallet logs will be needed to diagnose further.


Reserve the next unused change address (otherwise known as external key) and return it as a P2PKH address.




The base58 encoded address for the reserved key (string).

Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Ambiguous account (found <count>, expected 1)
      A wallet used by the JSON-RPC API must only have one account so that the API code knows which to make use of. The given wallet has either no accounts or more than one account (the current number indicated by the count).


Get detailed information about a transaction in the wallet.


  1. txid (string, required). The transaction id.

  2. include_watchonly (bool, optional, default=``false``). Not supported. Use null placeholder if necessary.


The gettransaction method returns an object detailing the matched transaction. The returned transaction object has the following fields:

  • amount: (numeric). The number of bitcoin sent (negative value) or received (positive value).

  • blockhash: (string, only present if confirmations > 0). The block hash containing the transaction.

  • blockindex: (numeric, only present if confirmations > 0). The index of the transaction in the block that includes it.

  • blocktime: (numeric, only present if confirmations > 0). The block time in seconds since epoch (1 Jan 1970 GMT).

  • confirmations: (integer). Number of mined blocks including the transaction and on top of it.

  • details: (array of objects). The sends and receives associated with the transaction.

  • fee: (numeric, only present for send). The total number of bitcoin paid as a fee (negative value).

  • generated: (bool, always true, only present if transaction is coinbase).

  • hex: (string). The transaction bytes encoded as a hexadecimal representation.

  • time: (numeric). The transaction time in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT). Intentionally incompatible, and the same as timereceived for now.

  • timereceived: (numeric). The time received in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT).

  • trusted: (bool, only present if confirmations == 0). Indicates if this coin is considered safe or not.

  • txid: (string). The transaction id.

  • walletconflicts: (array of strings, always []).

Each object in the details array reflects any coins received (inputs) or coins spent (outputs) in the transaction and has the following fields.

  • abandoned: (bool, only present for send). true if the transaction has been abandoned (inputs are respendable). Currently will always be false.

  • account: (string). The account name associated with the transaction. As we do not support this feature the value will always be "".

  • address: (string, only present if P2PKH). The address of this transaction.

  • amount: (numeric). The number of bitcoin sent (negative value) or received (positive value).

  • category: (string). - For outgoing funds this will always be send.

    • For incoming funds this will be receive unless the transaction is a coinbase transaction. In which case, it might be immature (standard heuristic), orphan (in a block not on the wallet’s chain) or otherwise it will be generate.

  • fee: (numeric, only present for send). The number of bitcoin paid as a fee (negative value). Will be the same for all send detail objects.

  • vout: (integer). The index of the output with the given amount in the transaction.


  1. Parameter: The include_watchonly parameter is ignored as the node wallet API does not support watch-only accounts at this time. Specifying a non-null value will raise an error.

  2. Response: The details account property has no meaning in wallets created for use with the node API.

  3. Response: The details comment property relates to data that cannot be modified. There are therefore no plans to support this property.

  4. Response: The details label property relates to data that cannot be modified. There are therefore no plans to support this property.

  5. Error: The RPC_PARSE_ERROR for include_watchonly is customised and reflects that we do not accept non-null values.

  6. Returned value: The abandoned field in details objects object is always false as we always exclude deleted transactions from results in the wallet proper.

  7. Returned value: The account field in details objects is always "" as we do not support this feature in any way. Node API wallets explicitly must only ever have one account to be allowed for use.

  8. Returned value: The involvesWatchonly field in details objects is never included as the node wallet API does not support watch-only accounts at this time.

  9. Returned value: The label field in details objects is never included as node API wallets do not support setting this field, and the original bitcoind API does not add this property for vouts with no label/comment.

  10. Returned value: The time field in the main transaction object is always the same as the timereceived value. bitcoind computes a “smart time” but we do not support that at this time.

  11. Returned value: The walletconflicts field in the main transaction object is always [] as we do not currently support this field.

Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Ambiguous account (found <count>, expected 1)
      A wallet used by the JSON-RPC API must only have one account so that the API code knows which to make use of. The given wallet has either no accounts or more than one account (the current number indicated by “<count>”).
    • Code


      Invalid or non-wallet transaction id
      The txid parameter value is not recognised as the id of a transaction in the wallet database.
    • Code


      Invalid parameters, see documentation for this call
      Either too few or too many parameters were provided.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not a string as expected
      The type of the txid parameter is expected to be a string and was interpreted as another type.
      JSON value is not a null as expected
      This is an intentional incompatibility as we do not support this parameter. The type of the entries in the include_watchonly parameter are expected to be strings and one or more were interpreted as another type.


Return a selection of the most recent transactions from the wallet ordered from the oldest of these to the most recent of these. Unconfirmed and local transactions are considered most recent and beyond that ordering is by descending block height and block position of transactions.


Outstanding issues: To maintain compatibility with the node API, the address and vout fields are limited to a single address per transaction. This doesn’t seem to make much sense for the ElectrumSV wallet because each transaction could have many relevant outputs. For now, the addresses are filtered for ones that are “owned” (the wallet has the keys for it) and the first one is selected.


  1. account (string, optional). Not supported. Use null placeholder if necessary.

  2. count (integer, optional, default=10). Limit the results to this number of transactions.

  3. skip (integer, optional, default=0). Skip this many transactions before starting the list.

  4. include_watchonly (bool, optional, default=false). Not supported. Use null placeholder if necessary.


An array is returned listing the requested number (as modified by the count and skip parameters) of the newest spends or receipts by the wallet. These are returned in order of the newest to the oldest.

The structure of each entry in the array is as follows:

  • abandoned: (bool, only present for send). true if the transaction has been abandoned (inputs are respendable). Currently will always be false.

  • account: (string). The account name associated with the transaction. As we do not support this feature the value will always be "".

  • address: (string, only present if P2PKH and owned by the wallet - i.e. we have the key for it). See warning message above.

  • amount: (numeric). The number of bitcoin sent (negative value) or received (positive value).

  • blockhash: (string, only present if confirmations > 0). The block hash containing the transaction.

  • blockindex: (numeric, only present if confirmations > 0). The index of the transaction in the block that includes it.

  • blocktime: (numeric, only present if confirmations > 0). The block time in seconds since epoch (1 Jan 1970 GMT).

  • category: (string). - For outgoing funds this will always be send.

    • For incoming funds this will be receive unless the transaction is a coinbase transaction. In which case, it might be immature (standard heuristic), orphan (in a block not on the wallet’s chain) or otherwise it will be generate.

  • confirmations: (integer). Number of mined blocks including the transaction and on top of it.

  • fee: (numeric, only present for send). The number of bitcoin paid as a fee (negative value).

  • generated: (bool, always true, only present if transaction is coinbase).

  • time: (numeric). The transaction time in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT). Intentionally incompatible, and the same as timereceived for now.

  • timereceived: (numeric). The time received in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT).

  • trusted: (bool, only present if confirmations == 0). Indicates if this coin is considered safe or not.

  • txid: (string). The transaction id.

  • vout: (integer, only present if address is present). See warning message above.

  • walletconflicts: (array of strings, always []).


  1. Parameter The account parameter is ignored as the node wallet API only operates on one account. If the user has interfered with the wallet and created more accounts, the API call will error. Specifying a non-null value will raise an error.

  2. Parameter: The include_watchonly parameter is ignored as the node wallet API does not support watch-only accounts at this time. Specifying a non-null value will raise an error.

  3. Response: The comment property is not going to be supported.

  4. Response: The label property is not going to be supported.

  5. Response: The address field only selects the first ‘owned’ address (see details above)

  6. Response: The vout field is only for the first ‘owned’ address (see details above)

  7. Error: The RPC_PARSE_ERROR for account is customised and reflects that we do not accept non-null values.

  8. Error: The RPC_PARSE_ERROR for include_watchonly is customised and reflects that we do not accept non-null values.

Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Ambiguous account (found <count>, expected 1)
      A wallet used by the JSON-RPC API must only have one account so that the API code knows which to make use of. The given wallet has either no accounts or more than one account (the current number indicated by “<count>”).
    • Code


      Negative count
      The count parameter was less than zero.
      Negative from
      The skip parameter was less than zero.
    • Code


      Invalid parameters, see documentation for this call
      Either too few or too many parameters were provided.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not a null as expected
      This is an intentional incompatibility as we do not support this parameter. The type of the entries in the account parameter are expected to be strings and one or more were interpreted as another type.
      JSON value is not an integer as expected
      The type of the count parameter is expected to be an integer and was interpreted as another type.
      JSON value is not an integer as expected
      The type of the skip parameter is expected to be an integer and was interpreted as another type.
      JSON value is not a null as expected
      This is an intentional incompatibility as we do not support this parameter. The type of the entries in the include_watchonly parameter are expected to be strings and one or more were interpreted as another type.


List the unspent outputs within the wallet. This can optionally be filtered by number of confirmations or specific addresses.


  1. minconf (integer, optional, default=1). Limit the results to the UTXOs with this number or more confirmations.

  2. maxconf (integer, optional, default=9999999). Limit the results to the UTXOs with this number or less confirmations.

  3. addresses (array of strings, optional, default=null). Limit the results to the UTXOs locked to the provided addresses.

  4. include_unsafe (bool, optional, default=false). Safe coins are either confirmed, or unconfirmed and fully funded by ourselves. By default they are not included in the set of returned coins.


An array of objects, where each object details a matched UTXO. Each object has the following fields:

  • txid: The canonically encoded hexadeximal transaction id.

  • vout: The output index in that transaction.

  • scriptPubKey: The hexadecimal encoded output locking script.

  • amount: The number of bitcoin locked in the output.

  • confirmations: Number of mined blocks including the transaction and on top of it.

  • spendable: Whether we have the keys to spend this coin.

  • solvable: Whether we know how to spend this coin regardless of whether we have the keys to do so.

  • safe: Indicate if this coin is considered safe or not, if unsafe coins were included.

  • address: Only present if this address was included in the addresses array and filtered on.

For example, we can filter for a specific address:

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listunspent", "params": { "addresses": ["mmne6bSrjwRZk16Y7TkwrrWysiUXZfd9ZY"] } }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Returns a result similar to the following:

        "txid": "023d74ad33de138ef8b98cfd9950dc1b69c5855146e6a64f502a5be92fd626af",
        "vout": 0,
        "amount": 50.00000553,
        "confirmations": 2,
        "spendable": false,
        "solvable": true,
        "safe": true,
        "address": "mmne6bSrjwRZk16Y7TkwrrWysiUXZfd9ZY"

Note that in this case the UTXO is an unspent immature coinbase output, and is not spendable.

For example, we can force outputs that are considered to be unsafe to be returned:

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listunspent", "params": [0,null,null,true] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Returns a result similar to the following:


Common problems:

  • If you are not seeing an incoming payment from another wallet or another party, this will likely be because you are not passing the "include_unsafe"=true parameter. For a unspent output to be included without this flag, the transaction it is in has to be confirmed or both unconfirmed and for all funding to come from this wallet.


  1. Parameter: The node wallet does redundant type checking on the minconf and maxconf parameters which would otherwise override the RPC_PARSE_ERROR with a RPC_TYPE_ERROR. As existing API usage should not be erroring with incorrectly typed parameters, this should not be an important point of compatibility.

Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Expected type list, got <other type>
      The type of the addresses parameter was not a javascript array, and was instead some other type here substituted as “<other type>”.
    • Code


      Ambiguous account (found <count>, expected 1)
      A wallet used by the JSON-RPC API must only have one account so that the API code knows which to make use of. The given wallet has either no accounts or more than one account (the current number indicated by “<count>”).
    • Code


      Invalid Bitcoin address: <details>
      An entry in the addresses parameter was a string but not a valid address. “<details>” will be substituted for contextual text on the reason the address is not valid.
    • Code


      Invalid parameter, duplicated address: <address>
      An entry in the addresses parameter was specified twice. The node wallet errors on this, so do we.
      Invalid parameter, unexpected utxo type: <number>
      A unspent output was encountered that does not have a supported key type for the JSON-RPC API. This would be if the user is accessing an externally created account with this API.
    • Code


      Invalid parameters, see documentation for this call
      Either too few or too many parameters were provided.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not a string as expected
      The type of the entries in the addresses parameter are expected to be strings and one or more were interpreted as another type.
      JSON value is not an integer as expected
      The type of the minconf or maxconf parameters are expected to be integers and one or more were interpreted as another type.
      JSON value is not a boolean as expected
      The type of the include_unsafe parameter is expected to be a boolean and was interpreted as another type.


Broadcast the given transaction via a MAPI server. This will not add a related but unknown transaction to the wallet, and it is at this time assumed that any related transactions should be created using the other API methods this API provides.

The Payd wallet is different from a node and the bitcoind wallet is built into a node. When you submit a transaction to bitcoind, it can validate the transaction directly and then add it to the mempool and maybe propagate it if other nodes have compatible settings for transaction acceptance and propagation. Payd instead has to submit the transaction to a remote MAPI server to get direct acceptance from a miner, and the it is running on has no connectivity issues relays the response from there.


  1. hexstring (string, required). The serialised complete transaction in hexadecimal encoding.

  2. allowhighfees (bool, optional, default=false). Allow the transaction to have a fee higher than the wallet’s designated reasonable fee level.

  3. dontcheckfee (bool, optional, default=false). Not supported. This would prioritise the transaction in the mempool.


The canonically encoded hexadecimal id of the broadcast transaction (string).


  1. Parameter: We cannot support the dontcheckfee parameter. A node accepts this as an indication the caller wishes the fee to be ignored and for the transaction to be prioritised in it’s local mempool.

  2. Error: Payd returns RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER if a true value is given for the dontcheckfee parameter.

Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Ambiguous account (found <count>, expected 1)
      A wallet used by the JSON-RPC API must only have one account so that the API code knows which to make use of. The given wallet has either no accounts or more than one account (the current number indicated by the count).
    • Code


      No suitable MAPI server for broadcast
      The wallet tried to obtain fee quotes from MAPI servers and failed. As it chooses the fee for the payment you are askign it to make based on available MAPI server quotes, this means it cannot proceed.
    • Code


      dontcheckfee parameter not currently supported
      This is an intentional incompatibility. Payd is not a node and has no way to implement the feature of prioritsing a transaction in the mempool. We only return this error if a value of true is provided by the caller in order to maximise compatibility with existing applications.
    • Code


      Tx decode failed
      The hexstring argument value was successfully decoded to bytes, but the processing of it as a validly formed transaction failed.
    • Code


      <whatever error MAPI returned>
      Any of a range of reasons for why the MAPI broadcast of the signed transaction failed.
    • Code


      Transaction already in the mempool
      The transaction is already known to have been broadcast.
    • Code


      Invalid parameters, see documentation for this call
      Either too few or too many parameters were provided.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not a string as expected
      The type of the hexstring parameter was expected to be a string but was interpreted as another type.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not a boolean as expected
      The type of the allowhighfees parameter was expected to be a boolean but was interpreted as another type.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not a boolean as expected
      The type of the dontcheckfee parameter was expected to be a boolean but was interpreted as another type.


Construct and broadcast a payment transaction to the given address for the given amount.

Broadcast of the transaction happens through a MAPI endpoint, and the fee is based on the quote returned by that selected endpoint.

TODO: Retry broadcast for failed broadcasts?


  1. address (string, required). The P2PKH address of the recipient.

  2. amount (numeric or string, required). The amount in BSV to send (e.g. 0.1).

  3. comment (string, optional). A note to be attached to the transaction in the wallet, for reference purposes.

  4. commentto (string, optional). The node wallet used this to allow the user to specify the name of a person or organisation who is the recipient. If provided this will be appended to the preceding comment parameter.

  5. subtractfeefromamount (bool, optional). Not supported.


The transaction id of the broadcast transaction (string).


  1. Parameter: We do not currently support the subtractfeefromamount parameter, which the node accepts as an indication the caller wishes the fee to be subtracted from the payment amount. This is an executive decision in order to limit the scope of work to the necessary parts.

Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Invalid amount for send
      The specified amount is zero or less.
    • Code


      Ambiguous account (found <count>, expected 1)
      A wallet used by the JSON-RPC API must only have one account so that the API code knows which to make use of. The given wallet has either no accounts or more than one account (the current number indicated by the count).
    • Code


      No suitable MAPI server for broadcast
      The wallet tried to obtain fee quotes from MAPI servers and failed. As it chooses the fee for the payment you are askign it to make based on available MAPI server quotes, this means it cannot proceed.
    • Code


      <A succinct reason for why broadcast failed>
      There may be a range of reasons for why the broadcast of the signed transaction failed. The ‘succinct reason’ detailed in the response should make it clear why, and if not give a pointer to a path to follow up.
    • Code


      Invalid address
      The provided address parameter is not a valid P2PKH address.
    • Code


      Insufficient funds
      There is not enough money in the wallet available to meet the specified payment amount.
    • Code


      subtractfeefromamount not currently supported
      This is an intentional incompatibility. The wallet application does not currently support deducting the fee from the payment amount.
    • Code


      Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.
      In order to send funds from this wallet to the provided address, access to the signing keys is required. This is given by unlocking the wallet, if it is not already unlocked.
    • Code


      Invalid parameters, see documentation for this call
      Either too few or too many parameters were provided.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not a string as expected
      The type of the comment or comment to parameters are expected to be strings and one or more were interpreted as another type.


Take a transaction serialised in hexadecimal encoding and sign it using the keys available to the account.


  1. hexstring (string, required). The serialised incomplete transaction in hexadecimal encoding. It is expected that this will have one or more absent signatures, that the account will be able to sign as the purpose of this call. Multiple versions of this transaction can be concatenated into the value passed as this parameter and the pre-existing signatures will be extracted from each.

  2. prevtxs (array of objects, optional). An array of objects containing the relevant parts of each parent transaction.

  3. privkeys (array of strings, optional). An array of private keys that are not currently used. If we supported this, they would be used to sign instead of any of the keys available to the account.

  4. sighashtype (string, optional, default=”ALL|FORKID”). A specified sighash name out of twelve possible options accepted by bitcoind. Only the default value is currently accepted, see the Incompatibilities section.

The hexstring parameter is expected to encode unsigned or partially signed inputs in the standard way accepted by bitcoind. scriptSig values in single signature serialised inputs will be empty, represented by OP_0 which is in effect a zero-length push. Multi-signature serialised inputs are expected to have the correct scriptSig structure with absent signatures substituted with OP_0 (multi-signature support is currently disabled).

Each object in the prevtxs array has the following structure:

  • txid (string, required). The canonically hexadecimal encoded transaction hash of the transaction being spent.

  • vout (numeric, required). The index of the given transaction output being spent.

  • scriptPubKey (string, required). The script from the given transaction output being spent.

  • redeemScript (string, optional). If the script from the output in the given transaction being spent is an older P2SH script, then this is the redeem script of that P2SH script. See the Incompatibilities section.

  • amount (numeric, required). The value stored in the given transaction output, denominated in units of bitcoin as per bitcoind convention.

Example prevtx object.
    "txid": "0df80206d8c30046d1fbf0f19959b81cef72a9d01fe4fe831520cfee361d2a8a",
    "vout": 0,
    "scriptPubKey": "",
    "redeemScript": "",
    "amount": 1.2

The privkeys array can contain base 58 encoded private keys. If these are provided these will be the only keys used to sign the transaction and the keys in the wallet will not be used. These parameter is not currently supported, see the Incompatibilities section.

The sighashtype value can in theory be one of twelve possible options accepted by bitcoind. Note that currently we only accept ALL|FORKID which is also the default, see the Incompatibilities section.

  • ALL




  • NONE









The returned object has the following structure:

  • "hex" (string, required). The serialised processed transaction in hexadecimal encoding.

  • "complete" (boolean, required). Indicates whether the processed transaction is fully signed. It is not a requirement of successful signing for the processed transaction to have all inputs fully signed.

  • "errors" (list of objects, optional). This is only present if there are entries to include.

    • "txid" (string, required). The canonically hexadecimal encoded hash of the transaction being spent.

    • "vout" (string, required). The index of the transaction output being spent.

    • "scriptSig" (string, required). The hexadecimally encoded signature script.

    • "sequence" (string, required). The sequence of the spending input.

    • "error" (string, required). Any text describing why the verification or spend failed.

Example returned object with no errors.
    "hex": "<serialised hexadecimally encoded transaction>",
    "complete": true

In theory this endpoint can return a variety of errors encountered. The returned transaction should be unchanged from the base transaction originally provided for signing.

Example returned object with inline errors.
    "hex": "<serialised hexadecimally encoded transaction>",
    "complete": false,
    "errors": [
            "error": "<some message>",
            "scriptSig": "",
            "sequence": 4294967295,
            "txid": "2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222",
            "vout": 0

In reality the errors property only ever returns errors for one specific situation. This is where the wallet does not have the spent coin metadata for an input. Every input in the transaction must have matching spent coin metadata. This is normally automatically retrieved from the account database, but for inputs the wallet is not signing must be provided using the prevtxs parameter intended for this purpose. If any coin metadata obtained from the account database is known to be spent, this error entry will also be added for the given input for that reason.

Example returned object with inline errors.
    "hex": "<serialised hexadecimally encoded transaction>",
    "complete": false,
    "errors": [
            "error": "Input not found or already spent",
            "scriptSig": "",
            "sequence": 4294967295,
            "txid": "2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222",
            "vout": 0

For example, here we are taking the result of createrawtransaction and using that as input:

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "signrawtransaction", "params": [ "0100000001df4337d756a632ad26b7a493df5a949765a2fd8e94adc9feaa407a295ea2a5f60100000000ffffffff0180f0fa02000000001976a9144e46d14cb7b049222f47ce498e61d7156c6f088f88ac00000000"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Returned the following result:



If a user requires any of these disabled functionalities, they should get in touch with their contact at the Bitcoin Association and request the ones they need.

  1. Parameter: Only one transaction is currently accepted in the hexstring parameter. If more than one transaction is provided then a compatibility related error will be raised.

  2. Parameter: Only spending of P2PKH coins is supported. While it is in theory to support P2PK, P2SH and bare multi-signature, spending of these coins are not currently enabled. Any attempt to do so will result in a compatibility related error.

    1. Related to this: If any prevouts entry contains a redeemScript property, it will be ignored as we do not currently handle P2SH spends.

  3. Parameter: External private keys are not currently accepted. If any are provided a compatibility related error will be raised.

  4. Parameter: Only the ALL|FORKID sighash name is accepted. As with the bitcoind implementation sighash names that do not include FORKID will result in a standard error. However, valid sighash names other than ALL|FORKID will raise a compatibility related error.

Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Expected string, got <other type>
      The hexstring argument is not the string type.
      Expected array, got <other type>
      The prevtxs argument is not the array type.
      Expected array, got <other type>
      The privkeys argument is not the array type.
      Expected string, got <other type>
      The sighashtype argument is not the string type.
      Missing txid
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one entry with a missing or null value in the txid field.
      Expected type string for txid, got <other type>
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one entry with a non-string value for the txid field.
      Missing vout
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one entry with a missing or null value in the vout field.
      Expected type integer for vout, got <other type>
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one entry with a non-integer value for the vout field.
      Missing scriptPubKey
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one entry with a missing or null value in the scriptPubKey field.
      Expected type string for scriptPubKey, got <other type>
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one entry with a non-string value for the scriptPubKey field.
      Amount is not a number or string
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one entry with a value for the amount property that was not a string or number.
      Invalid amount
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one entry with a string value for the amount property that cannot be parsed as a value.
      Amount out of range
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one entry with a string value for the amount property that was an invalid amount of satoshis.
    • Code


      Ambiguous account (found <count>, expected 1)
      A wallet used by the JSON-RPC API must only have one account so that the API code knows which to make use of. The given wallet has either no accounts or more than one account (the current number indicated by the count).
    • Code


      hexstring must be hexadecimal string (not '<whatever it is>') and length of it must be divisible by 2
      The hexstring parameter, was either null or not an string that was valid hexadecimal data.
      scriptPubKey must be hexadecimal string (not '<whatever it is>') and length of it must be divisible by 2
      The prevtxs list was provided and had at least one object within it that had a scriptPubKey value of either null or not an string that was valid hexadecimal data.
      txid must be hexadecimal string (not '<whatever it is>') and length of it must be divisible by 2
      The prevtxs list was provided and had at least one object within it that had a txid value of either null or not an string that was valid hexadecimal data.
      txid must be of length 64 (not <actual hexadecimal string length>)
      The prevtxs list was provided and had at least one object within it that had a txid value that was a valid hexadecimal string but was not the required 32 bytes in size.
      Missing amount
      The prevtxs list was provided and had at least one object within it that had a missing amount property.
      Invalid sighash param
      The provided sighashtype parameter value is not one of the twelve accepted by bitcoind.
      Signature must use SIGHASH_FORKID
      The provided sighashtype parameter value is not one of the few that include FORKID, and FORKID is currently required for valid Bitcoin SV signatures.
      Compatibility difference (only ALL|FORKID sighash accepted)
      See the Incompatibilities section.
    • Code


      Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.
      In order to send funds from this wallet to the provided address, access to the signing keys is required. This is given by unlocking the wallet, if it is not already unlocked.
    • Code


      Tx decode failed
      The hexstring argument value was successfully decoded to bytes, but the processing of it as a validly formed transaction failed.
      Missing transaction
      The hexstring argument value is empty and contains no transaction to sign.
      Compatibility difference (multiple transactions not accepted)
      See the Incompatibilities section.
      Compatibility difference (non-P2PKH spends not accepted)
      See the Incompatibilities section.
      expected object with {"txid","vout","scriptPubKey"}
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one non-object.
      vout must be positive
      The prevtxs array was found to contain at least one object with a vout property that was correctly an integer, but less than zero.
      Previous output scriptPubKey mismatch:\n<wallet asm>\nvs\n<prevtxs asm>
      If a prevtxs entry is provided for a coin managed by the wallet, the provided
      scriptPubKey bytes must exactly match those the wallet has for that coin. The disassembled script text will be substituted for the <wallet asm> and <prevtxs asm> placeholders in the message text.


This call provides the ElectrumSV daemon with the password for the given wallet which allows the daemon to perform secure operations without requiring user intervention. All private keys are encrypted with the wallet password and without it available they cannot be accessed and operations like signing cannot be performed.


  1. Passphrase (string, required). The wallet passphrase.

  2. Timeout (numeric, required). The time to keep the wallet passphrase cached in seconds.



Error responses:

These errors are the custom errors returned from within this call. Base errors that occur during call processing are described above.

  • 404 (Not found)

    • Code


      Method not found (wallet method is disabled because no wallet is loaded)
      The implicit wallet access failed because no wallets are loaded.
  • 500 (Internal server error)

    • Code


      Invalid parameters, see documentation for this call
      For this error the node would return documentation for this call as the response. We do not. This error is seen when the two required parameters are not passed.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not a string as expected
      The type of the passphrase parameter is expected to be a string and was interpreted as another type.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      JSON value is not an integer as expected
      The type of the timeout parameter is expected to be a integer and was interpreted as another type.
    • Code

      -32700 RPC_PARSE_ERROR

      Invalid parameters, see documentation for this call
      This error is seen when the passphrase is an empty string.
    • Code


      Error: The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect
      This error is seen when the passphrase is not the correct passphrase for the wallet being accessed.